

( Intermediate Level )

At a very early age, Matthew saw things and heard things that others could not. He explained this to his mom and she shrugged it off as having a vivid imagination.

He, too, believed this until he couldn’t ignore it any longer. The voices grew louder and fleeting images appeared. He never feared them. He just didn’t understand why others couldn’t.

It wasn’t until his early twenties that he realized he had a gift and he wasn’t crazy. He kept hearing a man’s voice saying the same thing over and over again when he passed by the corner restaurant.

“Tell her I am ok and I will always be here for you. Tell her this.” Every day no matter what time of the day it was. He finally decided to listen.

Matthew walked into the restaurant and sat at a table. A waitress came and gave her a menu. He was unsure how to start or what to say to her.

Can I get you something to drink?”

Yes. Can I get a vanilla shake?” “Sure, I will be back shortly.” As Matthew sat looking around at the other occupants the voice began again. “Tell her.”

The waitress returned with his shake. “Have you decided on what you’d like to order?” She said as she placed the shake in front of him. “Ma’am, You are going to think I am crazy but please hear me out.”

He looked at her and smiled. “I was told, no demanded, to give you this message. I don’t know who it is specifically but he seems to know you.

Mathew swallowed and began, “Tell her I am ok and I will always be here for you.”The waitress, Julie as her name tag read, was shaken. “Who? Who said he would always be here for me?”

Matthew tried to explain. He told of his experiences in his early childhood to the waitress as she stood hanging on every word he said. He explained, “He has never given me a name and I saw him one time in my mind.”

At that exact moment, he heard that same voice but louder “Tell her it’s her dad. Gary. Gary Richard Brown.” The waitress dropped to her knees.

Gary Richard Brown was her father who had passed away 8 weeks ago. He lost his battle to uncontrolled diabetes.

“Julie, are you ok?” She told him who Gary was and that he had passed. This was a validation to Matthew that he wasn’t crazy. Somehow he was able to hear and see things.

Word had traveled fast in his neighborhood. He was said to be a miracle. He simply explained he was a conduit for those who left this world.

Of course, he was under the watchful eye of those nonbelievers but he continued to do what he did. He never tried to bring attention to himself.

He answered requests for private sessions. He chose not to have any further contact with those who requested a reading until the actual meeting. This way skeptics couldn’t say he was a fake.

Matthew and Julie kept in touch. He would stop by the restaurant at least once a week for a milkshake and a conversation.

Julie was the only one he could talk to about other regular events or things. They would sit for hours talking about their dreams and goals in life. Once in a while, they would catch a movie together.

Matthew never knew why he had this gift. He knew it was important to share these messages with those who were intended to receive them.

He didn’t need to prove anything. He was just their voices. Voices he heard and needed to be heard.

Written by: Angel

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Twitter: AngelOfTheMorn5

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Special note from the author: “I believe if it helps someone move on in their life or have closure, this is what truly counts. Skeptics will be skeptics and believers will be believers. This is their choice. Should we question this? Losing someone or not being able to say good bye can play havoc with your emotions.” – Angel


shrugged -verb: dismiss something as unimportant

vivid – adjective: powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind

imagination – noun: be creative or resourceful

fleeting -adjective: brief or short

gift – noun: natural ability or talent

hear me out -phrasal verb: to listen to

demanded – verb: insist or require

specifically – adverb:  a way that is exact and clear

hanging on every word – idiom: to listen very carefully or closely to 

diabetes – noun: a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired

validation – noun: affirmation or approving

miracle – noun: extraordinary

conduit – noun: a channel

watchful eye – idiom: supervise or to watch (someone or something) closely

nonbelievers – noun: a person who does not believe in something

skeptics – noun: a person inclined to question or doubt

fake – noun: not genuine

Question ( s ):

Do you believe someone can speak to those who have passed away? Or are you a nonbeliever?

Have you ever had your fortune told?

How can you explain what a medium does?